Beyond destroying nature in order to save climate

How to use your brain network for balancing nature and climate?

How to use your brain network for balancing nature and climate?

I wonder how may people in Norway think when they now build wind turbine industry in untouched wild nature land area with habitats for biological diversity. What thinking pattern is it?

In this article I address latest brain network theory of 5 main important brain networks and give you a neuro-tip:

 Wind turbines are renewable energy, yes! But the United Nations has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, not only renewable energy. Another goal is to stop land use change that destroys nature, genetic diversity, habitats and living areas for plants, animals and microrganisms.


Wholeness overview balancing of several sustainable goals

Is it an industrial way of thinking to only focus o none goal without seeing negative consequences for other goals in other areas? Is it a technical view to only see one issue? Is it lacking facts and logical understanding of genetic diversity reduction? Yes! So when you have facts – how do you balance two goals – renewable energy – and land use habitat protection? Here are 5 important brain networks you often are jumping between:



This brain network has sub-networks and functions of logic, facts, decision making, planning, focus on the goal we want to achieve, how to come to a specific defined goal. It is linked to executive networks, motoric networks. Often called (CEN) Central Executive Network. This is the only brain network we may call conscious. "Unfocused" would be that area of mindfulness where we have glimmers of access to other networks, but everything we are aware of is still part of the CEN.



With sub-networks of fantasy, feelings, creative problem solving, visualising, anticipation, mind wandering, day dreaming and dreaming, memories, a lot of negative memories, even some positive memories. This is often called (DMN) Default Mode Network or resting state of the brain. When you are tired of focusing attention, the brain automaticly flows into this fantasy state and network. After 20 minutes of focus – your brain easily drops into fantasy world.



Seeking opportunities,and possibilities. Curious to everything new, more, better that may of use now or in the future. Advertisement and new product solutions and design trigger this seeking for novelties.


4)Deep emotions

Jaak Panksepp call them rage, fear (fight and flight) lust, care, grief, and play. The are rests of reptile and mammal brain networks, that are modified up in the human brain networks – feelings and memories in the imagination and mind wandering network. They trigger execution, fast action.


5)Wholeness balancing awareness value

This often called Salience Network (SN). Balancing and integration of the wholeness awareness of values, empathy, social awareness brain network. Intuition. You self and others. Now and the future. Short time and long time goals. Balancing the other 4 networks. Especcially balancing thinking and imagination. When you focus o none perspective – and don’t ask wholeness balancing awareness network for advice and inner wisdom – you may end up whit short term one-eyed solutions. It is very effective to only focus on facts and logic – but you may miss something. It is fun to play in the imagination network – but you may miss facts or logic. You may go beyond being one-sided – exactly by asking your brain network of awareness for the wholeness balancing of all your values. How will it be to live with a specific solution for all aspects of your values in life?



Do you want an exercise to train your brain to consciously shift between the 5 important brain networks?:

-Yawn-stretch super slowly-relax, stress down-observe without judging-what thoughts, feelings, sensations comes up to mind?

-Then you may shift attention into another brain network: Ask your inner wisdom, intuition, for the big picture to integrate, balance the wholeness of diverse perspectives – climate – and nature.

-You may exercise and expand this wholeness balance network in your brain.


Do you want to experience to shift between brain networks?




Panksepp Jaak, 2012: The archaeology of mind. Neuroevolutionary origins of human emotions.