How do you use your 3 main brain networks?

Balance your 3 main brain networks: thinking - awareness - imagination

Brain Network Theory:

Although there are dozens of recognized networks (a cluster of interconnected structures that carry out specific functions to navigate you through life), the three most researched ones that involve cognition, creativity, and emotional regulation are the Default Mode Network (DMN), the Salience Network (SN), and the Central Executive Network (CEN). Here's a brief summary of terms you'll be hearing a lot about very soon:


DMN: Imagination:

Originally called the “resting state” of the brain when no specific activity was consciously being carried out, the DMN is considered the center of imagination, intuitive problem-solving, and daydreaming (a semi-conscious state of mind-wandering). Key nodes include the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), and the precuneus, part of the parietal lobe. Other researchers like Kaufman, Carroll, and Seligman, prefer to call the DMN network the “Imagination Network.” Other recent researchers have followed suit. Many psychological dysfunctions are associated with over-activity and under-activity of the DMN. This suggests that many forms of anxiety are actually imaginary scenarios about the future based on past experiences stored in long-term memory.


CEN: Thinking:

This network contains many cognitive processes that include language and communication skills and the CONSCIOUS ability to analyze, judge, and decide and plan what actions to take to accomplish goals and satisfy specific desires. It also plays a key role managing emotions, adapting to environmental and internal changes, and forming new behaviors that can override older ones. Key nodes include the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the posterior parietal lobe, but it is mainly the DLPFC where we CONSCIOUSLY recall memories and evaluate how to take CONSCIOUS action in the world. When a person consciously obsesses on negative memories and/or negative thoughts and fantasies associated with the DMN, this contributes to, and reinforces, a wide range of cognitive and emotional problems.


SN: Awareness:

This network has been identified as the key area that regulates the functioning of the CEN and DMN and the feeling/emotional networks in the limbic regions. It is associated with empathy, compassion, mood regulation, moral decision-making, and self- and social-awareness. It detects salient stimuli and assigns a value on the importance of different experiences and actions, and it is also stimulated when cognitive and emotional incongruities occur. The two key nodes are the anterior cingulate and the insula and possibly the amygdala and nucleus accumbens. Self-reflective and contemplative practices like mindfulness have been shown to stimulate the 2 key nodes in a way that allows us to be partially AWARE of the CEN and DMN processes in a way that appears to influence their functioning and the functioning of the other networks mentioned below.


A Motivation/Reward Network, a Memory Consolidation Network, and several Emotional Networks identified by Panksepp have also been proposed by neuroscience researchers that can be indirectly influenced by our CONSCIOUS thoughts and behavior and our ability to increase AWARENESS of internal cognitive and emotional states through the practice of brief mindfulness exercises.

Memory consolidation and reconsolidation

Memory consolidation and reconsolidation

How we may update our memory

When you have an aha-experience, experience a new insight:

When we experience a new memory in our short term memory, it is unstabile. We may consolidate the new memory into long term memory. To make the new unstabile memory stabile, the brain has to make some protein synthesis. It takes time, 10-20 seconds for a single memory detail? What may help is to calm down, stress down, be very relaxed, be aware, write down the new memory, repeat/say it explicitely, feel it, savor/feelgood with it/store it.

If you stress forward, talk more, listen to others are speaking, then you may easily forget to use your attention to update your memory.

When we do nothing, the brain unconsciously uses a lot of energy in DMN


Default Mode Network (DMN)

The brain is using maybe 95 % of energy when we are doing nothin - compared to 100 % when we work focused. Much of this is unconscious imaging, fantasy in the DMN.

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Go from decision to action and execute

Go from decision to action and execute

Teams may sometimes experience slow execution rates. How to increase the capacity to execute?

What inspires you to go from have decided - into do it? What gives you will and energy and power – from decide to execute? From decision to action. To actualise your inner decision into world. It is a gap.

It is a preference scale to go from inside – to go outside.

From internal to external. How do you do it?


Develop talent to strength SHORT short.JPG

1)First: Do what you are best to do

Use your top talents in stead of mainly doing what you are less good at

2)It is an art to develop talent to strength

 in a way that is mature, balanced, flexible, adapted to others and situation

3)Because too much of a talent at wrong place or time, is

- to use talent in a way we often do as child – raw, unmature, unbalanced version of talent, childish

- when we go off track, and dig us down - it may be unmature think-feel filters, motivation triggers, blind spots, cognitive bias

4)What if we listen to find out what is appropriate

time, place, person, situation, amount to use a top talent?

- Listen – to the needs of others – in a relaxed state - without judging – then you may choose which talent is appropriate

5)Support through high quality feed back of exact key words of team members

- So that they hear that they are seen, heard and included – and that they themselves can hear what they in fact are saying

6)Support through interruption: When somebody speak too much, fast or unclear:

«Sorry to interrupt: What are the 4-7 most important key words in what you just said? Did I hear right you said …?»

7)Yawn, stretch super slowly, relax, what are you aware of now, which of your top talents may fit to use?

- Reduces mind wandering, makes possible to listen through focus on now - and to shift access to talent and brain network


8)Link one of your top talents to one core value of your company – try it today!

- Which core value of your company do you want to contribute with today?

- Which core values of your company motivate, inspire, excite, trigger you most?


When you have a weak developed talent:

What if we combine several talents and build a support bandage, formwork around blind spots?


How to master the art of listening in team?

Trust building communication 9 Explained.jpg

How do you master to create a team where all listen to each others?

1)Make eye contact

2)Avoid to interrupt

3)Ask questions to clarify

4)Repeat exact keywords

Do you master to listen WTHOUT judging?:


2)Focus on your own mind wandering

3)Thinking to prepare your next response

4)Always claim the last word

5)Intention of “I win, while you loose”

6)Toxic judging communication

What happens when you talk open in your team of these pitfalls and exercise to avoid them?

Do you manage to easily shift between 10 of your brain networks?

Here are 10 of your major brain networks. How easy do you consciously shift between them?

Here are 10 of your major brain networks. How easy do you consciously shift between them?

Ask questions to consciously shift access to 10 brain networks to solve cognitive and emotional blindness:

Do you easily manage to shift between 10 of your brain networks?

The human brain is much more than cognitive logical thinking! It is recognised 256 different brain networks. Use your brain smarter during the day! When you have a question, challenge, problem:

What if you ask 10 brain networks (repeating several different ways to access brain network 1,2,3):

1)-Logic-chess, slow down: What if you think logical cognitive step by step? What is step 1? What is step 2?

2)-Ask which emotion is coming up? What could be an alternative, positive emotion?

-Ask how you may visualise, imagine, anticipate to solve it.

*If get stucked:

1)-Ask your logical thinking. What may come up?

2)-Ask your creative problem solving, brainstorm, what if, all possible un-crazy and crazy ideas, some may be helpful. Take your deepest values from wholeness balance brain network into creative problem solving: Reframe value combinations, create value systems alternative to limiting beliefs, into expanding helpful beliefs.

3)-Ask your intuition, inner wisdom, systemic integrate overview wholeness balance brain network (Salience brain network), if you have overly detail focus, splitting up wholeness? Ask for value prioritising, empathy, balance, intuition, insight, wisdom?

1)-Even ask your thinking, to integrate complex domino, feedback, feed forward, step by step cause-effect systems. Life Cycle Assessment consequence analysis.

*Ask 7 primary emotions brain networks to find solutions: Ask:





8)*– rage,


10)*– even grief

3)-All of this taken together: What is your most important insight?

Do you want to experience how you consciously may shift between 10 of your major brain networks? Contact:

What if we felt the same emergency about climate crisis as about corona crisis?

What if we felt the same emergency about climate crisis as about corona crisis?


Climate crisis is treated to be otherwise than our personal health threathened by virus.

2)Far away in future

Climate is experienced as far away in the future. But todays floods, droughts, storms, bushfires are linked to climate crisis. Allthough it is harder to visualise the danger consequences of climate change for each of us.

Allthough these two differences between corona and climate - the two crisis has similarity in that they hurt planet and people.

Imagine what if we felt the same emergency about climate crisis as about corona crisis? What actions would be taken? What if the governments decided climate emergency and used similar measures as against corona?

Our insight from the corona crisis, is that:

*what we let people do as single persons and consumers are too weak a measure towards an emergency crisis,

*the goverments, national states, in fact, defined corona emergency,

*and grasped, took necessary emergency measures to STOP IT,

*and used daily best time TV campaign to reach the target.

Physical infection distance – and social including

Physical infection distance – and social including

I find the term "social distancing" unfortunate. It is physical distancing that we need in order to stop the virus transmission. Let's never social distance.

Better is: Socialising, care, nearness, include, connect, interact, match, do similar, mirror, repeat back words, respect, help, ask, listen, use empathy. Telephone and video-socialising. Let's try in our modern age of the Internet, to do a better job with staying social. Social including and nearness is a good idea.

Shift between 3 brain networks for the New Normal

Shift between 3 brain networks for the New Normal:

Have you tried to slow down, reflect and get increased self insight? How do you create a mature and clever decision? You need access to the three brain networks of – thinking, imagination, wholeness balance. For a moment you may forget the two other important brain networks – seeking (motivation) – and emotions (rage, fear, lust, care, grief, play). Are you too much in one brain network and ignoring another one? Then you may exercise how to access the ignored brain networks. You may ask similar questions as mentioned below. Here is a pattern you may switch among three main brain networks - back and forth in four steps. An exercise for you is at the end: