Shift between 3 brain networks for the New Normal

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Have you tried to slow down, reflect and get increased self insight? How do you create a mature and clever decision? You need access to the three brain networks of – thinking, imagination, wholeness balance. For a moment you may forget the two other important brain networks – seeking (motivation) – and emotions (rage, fear, lust, care, grief, play). Are you too much in one brain network and ignoring another one? Then you may exercise how to access the ignored brain networks. You may ask similar questions as mentioned below. Here is a pattern you may switch among three main brain networks - back and forth in four steps. An exercise for you is at the end:

1)Back to business as usual!

Get the economic wheels running! Back to the old normal! «International trade rules shall always have priority to sound reasoning!»

This may be logical thinking in the (Central Executive brain Network).

2)Dare to ask: What if?

Ask your imagination for lots of alternatives. Fight the virus or build a better world? What if we create a new normal? What if we respect nature? Justice for nature, protect nature by law. Learn from nature. Be inspired by nature. Is it when we are proactive, initiate something new – that we inspire creativity, spread hope, and hope spreads enthusiasm?

You may use - visualising – or creative problem solving, both in the (Default Mode brain Network).

3)Calculate logical

What will be the consequences of the imagination? How to do the step by step to come there?

This is quality checking and logical thinking in the (Central Executive brain Network).

4)Balance between business as usual - and create new normal

Be aware of what is really important. Values and meanings. Intention, purpose, direction, ethic, moral, norm, culture – old or new. What values do you weight as most important? What do you really value, choose, balance, prioritise?

This is to access your wholeness system perspective: (Salience brain Network). This network access connectedness, transdisciplin, overview, integrate, synthesise, synergy. Women mature this brain network often by 28-30 years age, men often eventially first at 38-40 years.


Each time we want ot shift brain network it is a good idea to - yawn, stretch super-slowly, relax, be aware. Yawn several times. We need to stress down, especially in order to access the brain network of awareness wholeness balance. Tell what happens!


Do you want to experience a session on switching between brain networks for the new normal  – please contact


My book on creativity: Kreativ i ekstremvær: